
  • The Green Cross Code

    I’ve had a few minor incidents on my commute to and from work, and a couple of falls off Fuzzy that were my own stupid fault and didn’t hurt anyone else. But I had my first crash involving someone else today. It was nothing major. I, on my bike, collided with a 10-ish-year-old girl, also […]

  • Having a Wii

    Just a quick note. As a little joint birthday treat to ourselves, we’ve managed to track down and purchase a Nintendo Wii! We’re not big gamers but we’ve always like fun, multiplayer games, and the Wii is cheap and fits the bill. I’ll be writing more about this incredible time-wasting machine soon, but if any […]

  • Blogging

    It’ll seem odd that I just posted my holiday notes from the end of March. These have been half written for ages now, and I have a few other notes that need writing to completion before publishing. I’ve been surprised to have almost an entire week of free evenings and an almost free weekend, so […]

  • Shopping, Beer, and Slugs

    Sally and I made our approximately three-weekly trek to Sainsbury’s yesterday. Shopping is always interesting as we both have our little things we’re passionate about. Fair trade, free range, recycled, compostable, organic, low-energy, locally sourced, etc. And we’re fortunate enough to a) have the choice to buy these things b) be able to afford them! […]

  • Cycle Logs

    I’m strangely obsessed with tracking my cycle times! I think the whole blogging thing, and tracking my life in general, started last year when I wasn’t well and wanted to record some of what was going on so that I could spot trends and try to work out what was causing me to be ill, […]

  • Stupid News Reporting

    This is a silly thing. I think the BBC are quite good at reporting the news, but the other day I saw an piece on the telly that I thought was very poor and unfair. It was about how life expectancy is much higher in the south of England than in the north. My immediate […]

  • The week in summary

    It’s been a week of ups and downs! At work I had a couple of days when all the things that annoy me came all at once. You know, badly run meetings, poor organisation and communication, demanding people who think that the world revolves around them, that kind of stuff. But the week has ended […]

  • Taking things offline

    Not many entries of late, that’s not to say that there’s not a stack of things I’d like to jot down and get out of my head. My drafts list is getting longer by the week. Other things are just more important right now so focus has shifted slightly. Not even learning songs, hardly playing […]

  • More green than we were? But only slightly.

    Sally and I are doing our best to be green. We’ve very aware of green issues and what the scientists say, but we also just think that it makes sense to do it. Using less energy is cheaper and uses less of the finite resources of the earth. It makes sense to reduce consumption, reuse […]

  • Back to Church Sunday

    Churches are amazing organisations and, despite the fact that they should (in my opinion) be quite free of bureaucracy, they are organisations and they need structures involving lots of people in order to function. One of the structures that we have at our church is the Church Meeting. This happens every other month, and we […]