
  • The Blog

    I’ve been considering the purpose of this Blog lately It’s really only “notes to self” and yet, I started it after being inspired by other people, who were writing interesting stuff…or at least stuff about what they were up to that was of interest to me. It’s stuff that I’d like good friends to be […]

  • 52 songs

    Oh dear, what have I done?? Our friend Simon had his 30th birthday on 2nd December and he had a really fun party in York that we attended. He’s a musician and has lots of musical friends, so part of the party was there was a PA and some musical instruments set up and a […]

  • Dress Codes

    Another comment that I made on another persons Blog that I wanted to copy here. It took me a while to write and contains a funny story from a business meeting, so I wanted to include it as a “note to self” of my own. The other-Blog author, is actually a friend of Sally’s, but […]

  • File Sharing

    I’ve mentioned Iko, the excellent band that a friend of ours is in, before. The lead singer of the band recently posted an message on his MySpace Blog about filesharing. I spent some time writing a response and wanted to copy my thoughts here. The full thread can be found on MySpace here. Ultimately, Kieran […]

  • Shelf hanging – a lesson in trust!

    Now here’s a thing that’s quite contrary. I’m not a very trusting person, while at the same time, I tend to believe what people tell me. I think it’s all down to experience. If someone says, for example, that they’ve got tickets to go see the Spice Girls at Wembley stadium. As long as it’s […]

  • Bike Radar

    Bit of a plug…the BikeRadar web site is really taking off and if full of useful info. I was just looking through it and I keep coming across more and more useful stuff. Like: A guide to chainsets A Q&A about chronic fatigue (which I MIGHT have been suffering from earlier in the year) Stuff […]

  • Cycle scheme = NEW BIKE!!!

    This is VERY exciting. My work have set up a cycle-to-work scheme. This is a government initiative designed to encourage people to cycle to work. Which I do anyway, but it’s still a real treat. What happens is this. I go out bike shopping to buy myself some new wheels to ride to work on, […]

  • Bikish – the language of cycling

    So, I’m getting pretty into this cycling lark, but there are a few things that still baffle me. Cycling, like many other hobbies, has a language of its own, and experienced participants use it freely without really thinking about poor beginner like me who don’t know their cranksets from their cassettes and their bar ends […]

  • Drenched…but the first time in a long time

    I read an interesting statistic a while back that basically said that if you commute by bike in the UK, despite our highly changable weather, you’ll only cycle in the rain 12 times a year, on average. Hard to believe, but, today I cycled in proper rain for the first time in AGES. It’s the […]

  • £50 million and a wobbly wheel

    50 million quid for improving cycle routes is up for grabs! Two quick things. One is that there’s this competition going on where four projects have the chance to win £50 million of lottery money in a public vote. One of the projects is being put forward by Sustrans (a sustainable transport organisation) to improve […]