• 10 Things I’ve Learned

    My friend/colleague/client Huw, has posted 10 things he's learned recently and challenged me to do the same. So here goes. 10 things I've learned recently.

  • Short-form all the things!

    Seth Godin blogs 5 times a day but doesn't use Twitter. I love my blog but I need to try to keep short-form. How can I better achieve that?

  • Thoughts on AMP

    Some un-structured thoughts on Google's (AMP) project and Facebook's Instant Articles and how they might affect small publishers.

  • What will WordPress be?

    Change is upon us! If you work with WordPress, that is. I won’t go into details on the WordPress REST API that’s going to be a part of the software soon, or of “Calypso” which is a new tool forĀ edit content and managing WordPress sites (both wordpress.com and self-hosted wordpress.org) that uses an API (or […]

  • Bombs

    I tend not to comment quickly on things. I like to think. And, actually, quite often I don’t have time enough to think. I was travelling today. Travel time is good. It’s restful and gives me time to think. And I was catching up with my Twitter timeline from last night. The night that our […]

  • Going Ropeless

    The impact of a simpler, freer life is clear. How much do we miss out on experiences because of caution, rules, expectations? Perhaps, sometimes, the risk of 'going ropeless' is worth it.

  • Highly sensitive

    I recently discovered the trait of High Sensitivity - it's been a revelation to me and my family. Here's why.