# you @ rosswintle.uk [00:41:28]

Page 89

  • Blatant Plug: Iko

    I’d like to recommend a band. A band who don’t quite have the status of “next big thing” but who, in my opinion, thoroughly deserve it. A band who, as far as I can tell, have been on the verge of being “big” for about 5 years. I recommend them not because the lead singer […]

  • Bit of a break…

    Been away on holiday somewhere where there was no internet – we didn’t even take the laptop with us! I have lots to write about so hopefully I’ll catch up soon. Notes from while I’m away will probably be backdated to when I wanted to write them so you may already have read some of […]

  • Relaxing and Holidays and Relaxing Holidays

    Saturday – the end of our week in Cornwall. And what a lovely time we’ve had. We’re travelling back via Devon to visit Sally’s folks and we are staying over with them. This holiday marks an important change for me. I normally think of myself as not being very good at holidays. I normally find […]

  • Holiday cycling

    Friday – sad to be heading home. Did a short walk in the morning to Poltesco – a lovely little National Trust-owned cove only a couple of miles from Cadgwith. It finally rained!! But this post is mostly about holiday cycling. We’ve made our first use of the rack that my dad gave us that […]

  • Waste Neutrality, the Eden Project, and saving the planet.

    Wednesday of our holiday in Cornwall, and a visit to the Eden Project! You mostly hear good things about it but occasionally you meet someone that thought it was rubbish. I can see why people might not like it but I thought it was fascinating, beautiful, educational and inspiring. A visit to the Eden Project […]

  • Discovering the National Trust

    It’s the Tuesday of our week’s holiday in Cornwall. Yesterday we did a lovely walk around the bottom of the Lizard from Cadgwith Cove (very near where we are staying) along the coast path to Lizard Point and then on to Kynance Cove before tracking back, inland, to Cadgwith. Today we had a really nice […]

  • How do I know if I've got spiritual gifts?

    We’ve been doing a thing at our church called a SHAPE course. SHAPE is an acronym, standing for “Spritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, Experiences”. It’s intended to help you look at those five things, think a bit about what things you have that fit into those categories, and work out what things you might be […]

  • Movements and Organisations

    A friend has given me a very interesting little book to read to read called “Accompanying young people on their spiritual quest”. It’s a cracking book and very well written (that’s very high praise from me!) and, oddly, my first interesting thought about it is not about the book’s key subject. While discussing how the […]

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