# you @ rosswintle.uk [00:11:44]

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  • Weddings

    Yesterday was the wedding of some good friends of ours. A brilliant day, great church service, good worship, very much a wedding where God was present. A real sense of two becoming one and a change of status in their relationship. It was interesting going to a Christian wedding with a mixed bunch of people […]

  • Route Planning news

    There are many better ways to plan a route than Google maps, especially for a cyclist. But I love it because it’s so FAST and so EASY to use. However, I found a few new things today that make it better for route planning. It now has an “Avoid Highways” option, for those of you […]

  • Back in the saddle…again

    Seems I’m a bit of a cycling wimp. I’ve been fighting off a cold and, for numerous other reasons, didn’t cycle to work at the start of the week. But back at it today. I felt really sluggish but put in a fantastic time for my trip to work. Proof that I really am getting […]

  • A couple of birthdays

    It was on the 27th April that I wrote “I give it [Blogging] a month.” So here’s to beating my own prediction. It’s been fun! I give it another month! I was also going to write something profound about the fact that my 30th birthday is coming up but I can’t remember what it was. […]

  • General Saturday Stuff

    After the marathon bike post, a bit about today, which has been nice. I cycled 25.5 miles out to Cricklade and back, the long way. A very nice route and mostly with the tailwind on the way back in. Took just over an hour and a half averaging nearly 17 mph. My best moment was […]

  • Saturday Cycling Miscellany

    It’s been a LONG week. The days have been passing very slowly and I’m a bit confused as to which of these events, thoughts and discoveries are from this week and which are older, but hey. I’ve been back in the saddle with my journey’s to work and back, and this has raised a few […]

  • Storytelling

    “It’s dark, it’s cold, my skin is wet from walking through dense fog, and I want to know the way home. Keeping my hands in my pockets, I shiver and shuffle around in my coat and draw it closer. I’m lost, in a place I don’t know very well. I don’t recognise anything. Signposts tell […]

  • More naturewatching

    SO the baby blackbirds have flown the nest, though it looks like a new brood may be on the way sometime…so my interest has turned to these little fella’s that I found outside our house yesterday morning. Looks like some spider’s eggs hatched and there was just a writhing tangle of little legs. Seems that […]

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