# you @ rosswintle.uk [05:58:48]

Page 92

  • New Toy: A little MP3 player.

    As a bit of a techie I like my gadgets. I’m not over the top in this respect, but I like it when technology can improve my life or do something useful. So when I buy new “toys”, I’ve generally thought quite hard about it. I really don’t intend to start making this a “Gadget […]

  • Error messages and defensive programming

    So here it is. I’m a geek! There, it’s out, you can all start jeering me and calling me a spod and asking where my sandals are, or, at the very least, call me up asking why your screen has turned a nice shade of purple. This therefore might not make complete sense to all […]

  • A good ride and a few new things

    It’s Bike week! To celebrate I did 13.75 miles round the hills of Wroughton and Chiseldon. A good hilly ride that I did with a really fit friend and actually managed to keep up! This week I’ve discovered a funky kettle that heats water on demand in a few seconds. Genius. I’m forever switching the […]

  • Blatant Plug: Iko

    I’d like to recommend a band. A band who don’t quite have the status of “next big thing” but who, in my opinion, thoroughly deserve it. A band who, as far as I can tell, have been on the verge of being “big” for about 5 years. I recommend them not because the lead singer […]

  • Bit of a break…

    Been away on holiday somewhere where there was no internet – we didn’t even take the laptop with us! I have lots to write about so hopefully I’ll catch up soon. Notes from while I’m away will probably be backdated to when I wanted to write them so you may already have read some of […]

  • Relaxing and Holidays and Relaxing Holidays

    Saturday – the end of our week in Cornwall. And what a lovely time we’ve had. We’re travelling back via Devon to visit Sally’s folks and we are staying over with them. This holiday marks an important change for me. I normally think of myself as not being very good at holidays. I normally find […]

  • Holiday cycling

    Friday – sad to be heading home. Did a short walk in the morning to Poltesco – a lovely little National Trust-owned cove only a couple of miles from Cadgwith. It finally rained!! But this post is mostly about holiday cycling. We’ve made our first use of the rack that my dad gave us that […]

  • Waste Neutrality, the Eden Project, and saving the planet.

    Wednesday of our holiday in Cornwall, and a visit to the Eden Project! You mostly hear good things about it but occasionally you meet someone that thought it was rubbish. I can see why people might not like it but I thought it was fascinating, beautiful, educational and inspiring. A visit to the Eden Project […]

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