# you @ rosswintle.uk [22:26:39]

Page 92

  • You are what you eat!

    Catching up with the BBC guy training for his 120 mile cycle ride. There’s some really useful comments on sports nutrition posted to the article…see here. I particularly like the fact that there’s a website called flapjackrecipe.com! 🙂 Here’s some of my experience with eating proper for sport. Discovering Nutrition! My first encounter with basic […]

  • The birds are out!!

    Fun today! The little baby blackbirds decided to leave the nest. And so with much tweeting, flapping, and crashing they’re down on the ground in the garden. One of them, I think, flew into the window. I went to look and he was peering up at me! I then tried to take a photo, scared […]

  • A good 20 miles – and some amateur physiology

    Went out for a ride by myself this afternoon. Managed 21.24 miles in 1:24:31, averaging 15.0 mph overall. A good ride but my knees hurt a bit – probably beacause I’ve not been doing my stretches while I’ve not been cycling to work – must keep that up even when I’m not doing a daily […]

  • To stress or not to stress…

    So, I got signed off of work on Tuesday and have had a few days forgetting about everything at home. It’s now Friday and last weekend seems a long time ago. The doctors can’t get me an apppointment until the 14th (it was about 2 weeks away when I booked it), so I popped into […]

  • Cool little discovery

    A neat little discovery today…meebo. A VERY simple web-based, multi-protocol chat client. What does that mean? Well, that you can use MSN, Yahoo Chat and Google Chat all from a single web page without even downloading anything! Probably only really useful from workplaces or if you’re in an internet cafe.

  • Stressed: The story so far

    Firstly, for my own benefit, a record of what happened and when – ‘cos I’m rapidly forgetting. Wednesday 25th April – slept badly, cycled to work and back, felt fine, gave blood, felt a bit light-headed afterwards and found eating difficult but recoveredThursday 26th April – slept badly, cycled to work and back, VERY tired […]

  • A new subject

    It seems that there is a new topic that I’ll be discussing here. Not among the original list of subjects that I posted a few days back…depression and stress. As I’ve broached the subject with more people, including my boss, I’m being told LOTS to STOP WORK and GO SEE A DOCTOR. So, today, my […]

  • What DO people do…

    Feeling low again today so had a quick prayer whip-round. Got me thinking…what do people who don’t believe in God do when I tell them I’m not well? The obvious response from a Christian is “I’ll pray for you”, and through that God can speak to us and get us to see the situation through […]

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