• Parenting Jenga

    Parenting Jenga: a visual note about what life is like sometime

  • To the man on the pink scooter

    You probably thought I was a bit funny. I mean, you were the adult man on the pink, three-wheeled Barbie scooter, but *you* probably wondered what *I* was doing. I was in my car. I saw you from afar and had resolved to cheer you on. At first I wasn’t sure if you were a […]

  • Highly sensitive

    I recently discovered the trait of High Sensitivity - it's been a revelation to me and my family. Here's why.

  • Parenthood – the sum of my knowledge

    I found out the other day that a guy I know’s wife is pregnant. It’s funny how, as a newbie parent myself, it’s so tempting to offer advice. I also had a conversation this week with someone else who was talking about the dilemma of offering this kind of ‘help’. And the longer I am […]