• Turbo Admin: Philosophy and inner-workings

    With the release of CommandUI there has suddenly been a lot of people looking deeply at how my own product Turbo Admin works. This post addresses some of the philosophy behind Turbo Admin, and clarifies some things about the tool that aren't necessarily obvious.

  • The Turbo Admin “Business Model”

    I feel I should say some things about the “business model” behind Turbo Admin, my command palette for WordPress. I've been thinking about this a lot lately.

  • On command palettes and competition

    If you don’t know, three years ago I made and launched a WordPress “command palette” tool called Turbo Admin. Now, there’s a new WordPress command palette on the block (no pun intended)! And actually, it looks really awesome and Calvin did a great job. I give you CommandUI! You should check it out. I love […]

  • Eeek! What does Gutenberg Phase 3 mean for Turbo Admin

    Turbo Admin features to be in WordPress core! 🙌 The WordPress Gutenberg Phase 3 announcement is very interesting for me. Why? Because it will be disruptive for my Turbo Admin plugin/browser extension. An admin redesign is in the works which, especially if done in React, may make Turbo Admin impossible to run. Fortunately they are also considering […]

  • The New Turbo Admin

    Turbo Admin 1.12.0 is a big release with better search, improved reliability, user and plugins search and integrations for WooCommerce and Gravity Forms. Phew!

  • Is Turbo Admin for sale?

    One of the reasons I keep on with Turbo Admin is that I’ve had some major validation of the idea in the form of investment offers and even – no, I can’t believe it either – offers to buy it! I’ve been really encouraged by these offers. Here’s my thoughts on the idea of selling […]

  • Raise your hands! It’s voice controlled WordPress!

    I love doing fun coding projects. I was listening to the Syntax podcast yesterday, they did a show about “Nifty Browser APIs“. That is, things you can get code to do in a browser, like locate where you are and play sounds and… do speech recognition…? “That sounds fun”, went my train of thought, “I’d […]

  • I know nothing, really, but could nav menus be a browser API?

    Let’s not start with nav menus. Let’s start somewhere else… What do Github, Laravel Forge, MacOS, VS Code, Sublime Text, JetBrains IDEs like PHPStorm, Google Chrome’s dev tools, Windows Terminal, the Warp terminal application, and Netlify all have in common? They all have “command palettes” – as do an increasing number of both native and […]

  • Turbo Admin: The Story of a First Software Product

    Someone asked me today if and how I had had any success marketing Turbo Admin, as they were developing a software product of their own and wanted to hear some experiences. And the truth is that I have no idea what I’m doing. I hate marketing. I’m a total newbie. And Turbo Admin – a […]