• Things all developers need to make in their career #17: A static site generator

    There’s a sort-of-joke that there’s a bunch of things that all developers are supposed to code from scratch at some point in their career. A blog. A to-do list app. The “canonical” applications. And one of these is a static site generator. I’ve actually never built any of these things from scratch. But while making […]

  • Tinkerwell for WordPress Developers

    Tinkerwell is a brilliant tool from the Laravel world that I believe can really help WordPress developers. Read up, watch my introductory video, and buy the darned thing!

  • Catching a Tailwind: My components revelation

    A huge number of people in my tech circles seemed to love Adam Wathan's Tailwind CSS framework. But, for some reason, I just didn't get it. Until I had this revelation about components that has caused me to go and take a serious look.

  • Understanding web "components"

    The pre-amble to my Tailwind thoughts in which I lay down my goal to properly get to grips with "components"

  • Statamic: First impressions

    While the confusion over the launch of WordPress’s new “Gutenberg” editor continues, I’ve been considering some other options. As someone who also works in the Laravel world, Statamic is making a pretty big blip on my radar. It’s a content management system that ‘runs on a “flat file” engine based on Markdown and YAML files’. […]

  • Websites without photos

    Examples of websites that use no, or very few photos, simplifying design choices, and making them super fast.