• Is Turbo Admin for sale?

    One of the reasons I keep on with Turbo Admin is that I’ve had some major validation of the idea in the form of investment offers and even – no, I can’t believe it either – offers to buy it! I’ve been really encouraged by these offers. Here’s my thoughts on the idea of selling […]

  • Back to Turbo Admin

    I’m FINALLY getting around to chipping away at Turbo Admin's next steps. But how do I make "frameworky" things in JavaScript?

  • Why I love (and how I make) simple, static, minimal-tech websites

    There was some interesting chatter a while ago in my tech social bubbles about the tiny decline in WordPress’s CMS market share. This was followed by some interesting Twitter replies. But I chose to pick up on my friend Keith Devon’s response: And it caused me to reflect on how I now build small/quick sites […]

  • Raise your hands! It’s voice controlled WordPress!

    I love doing fun coding projects. I was listening to the Syntax podcast yesterday, they did a show about “Nifty Browser APIs“. That is, things you can get code to do in a browser, like locate where you are and play sounds and… do speech recognition…? “That sounds fun”, went my train of thought, “I’d […]

  • WordlePress and nerding out about WordPress function names

    Given all the “Wordle” hype these days, I think I was one of the first (of many) people to wonder about what “WordlePress” might look like: Not long after, Taco Verdo did buy the domain, with the aim of preserving it for the good of the WordPress community. Then, one bored weekend, I came up […]

  • Turbo Admin: The Story of a First Software Product

    Someone asked me today if and how I had had any success marketing Turbo Admin, as they were developing a software product of their own and wanted to hear some experiences. And the truth is that I have no idea what I’m doing. I hate marketing. I’m a total newbie. And Turbo Admin – a […]

  • Building WP-UI

    A very scattergun, brain dump of thoughts about the WP-UI app that I'm developoing in Electron.