Random Food Vans

In a vague nod to my newest reader (I think I have two regulars now!), and fellow, though far superior blogger, here’s something that I’m cheekily going to title: “Things Dave probably misses about England #541: Random food vans”. Or possibly Beyond Random Food Vans!

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so I hope he doesn’t mind! πŸ™‚

What is the English obsession with selling junk food at all hours in unlikely places? As I drove back from the N.E.C. today, via my lovely Grandma’s for a cuppa, I noticed a Kebab van on the edge of a small town called Malmesbury (famous for it’s Naked Gardeners). I think it was in this layby here:

[googlemaps http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Malmesbury,+Wiltshire&ie=UTF8&t=h&s=AARTsJojaaoN-iacqTpehAEMs3OdvQFehA&ll=51.585803,-2.089237&spn=0.001167,0.00228&z=18&output=embed&w=425&h=350]

If the link to Google Maps works you should be able to zoom out and see that this is on a quiet road with…err…no houses near it at all. I imagine that quaint, antique-shoppy Malmesbury’s market for kebabs is pretty small and most passing cars won’t know there’s greasy food and cheap coffee in polystyrene cups available until they’re passed the damn thing and well on their way to Tetbury anyway.

Can they make ANY money at all?

And yet – someone had stopped to buy one!

Who? And why?