
What I do

Further to writing about “Creating and Consuming”, I’ve been thinking about how some of the people I find most interesting on social networks are people who actually talk and write about what THEY are doing rather then repeating things that OTHERS are doing.

So often we learn things small and large, technical and social, through our everyday work.

And I wonder if one way to “create” more is to simply write more about what I’m doing on a day-to-day basis.

One of my struggles with this kind of output is that, as I’ve said before, I don’t like putting things to the world that are unfinished or not properly thought out. And documenting the day to day requires quick, simple publishing of stuff that may not be finished or properly thought through (and I’m “Highly Sensitive” so I think things through a LOT!)

BUT…maybe that’s a change I need to make. Worry less. Make more.

And hopefully some of what I do is actually interesting!