• On behalf of…

    I’ve been contributing to some discussions that have been happening this week about the new WordPress “Gutenberg” editor. Hopefully constructively. And I think its useful to note where I come from when thinking about Gutenberg. Firstly, there’s my own context. Mostly as a user of WordPress (I’m using it right now!) but also as a […]

  • Cordless family life

    Freed from the constraints of having to find an appropriate combination of socket, circuit breaker, and extension lead, I could now just grab-and-go.

  • The Grass Under My Feet

    Computers and the internet are great, brilliant, amazing things. But there’s something special about just feeling the grass beneath your feet.

  • What are you up to?

    I don’t know if this is interesting, but maybe it gives some insight into the breadth of my work in a given week.

  • What I (actually) do!

    The other day I wrote about writing about what I do. So I guess I should write about what I do! Some of my bio’s and “About” pages are a bit out of date – I must remedy that. For now, here’s some of the things I’m up to right now. Technology I’m a software […]

  • Cartooning

    I’m rubbish at drawing. Not just bad; positively terrible. It’s actually properly difficult to tell the difference between my young son’s drawings and my own. But I do find some kinds of drawing fun. I tried to get into sketching for a while (and will have a go again sometime, I’m sure). Today, I took […]

  • What I do

    Further to writing about “Creating and Consuming”, I’ve been thinking about how some of the people I find most interesting on social networks are people who actually talk and write about what THEY are doing rather then repeating things that OTHERS are doing. So often we learn things small and large, technical and social, through […]