First Lego stop-frame animation
Quite pleased with my first Lego stop-frame animation!
Creativity, curiosity, and code
Quite pleased with my first Lego stop-frame animation!
I'm speaking again at this year's WordCamp London. Find out more about my talk on screencasts for user training.
I don’t know JS So I’ve kinda got stuck in to learning JavaScript. I’ve previously said that I think JavaScript is like the assembler of the web: coding in vanilla JS isn’t really something you should do because it’s too easy to get things wrong, so you should have a layer of abstraction on top. […]
2016 was a year of transition. 2017? Well, it's started out with acceptance of things that must be.
Yes, it’s the third of January and I’m writing a blog post so you’d be quite entitled to think that I’ve started some new year’s resolution to write more and am already three two days behind. And, well, that’s not strictly true, but it is partly true. What I have been doing is putting together […]
Perhaps I should be a teacher after all? The whys and hows of my first forays into technical developer screencasts.
Examples of websites that use no, or very few photos, simplifying design choices, and making them super fast.
New iOS/OSX Markdown notes app "Bear" isn't for everyone, but if you're an Apple-using, Markdown-writing power user, it's excellent. My new favourite.
The people around you - your family, your colleagues, your friends, all probably have anxieties. You may never know it. Go easy on them!
And so we've come to see that one of the key facts of parenting is that you really truly do start living someone else's life.