Blooming MailChimp Groups and GDPR fields
Some things on the internet are inexplicably hard. e.g. Bloom + MailChimp + Groups + GDPR fields ?♂️
Creativity, curiosity, and code
Some things on the internet are inexplicably hard. e.g. Bloom + MailChimp + Groups + GDPR fields ?♂️
The other day I wrote about writing about what I do. So I guess I should write about what I do! Some of my bio’s and “About” pages are a bit out of date – I must remedy that. For now, here’s some of the things I’m up to right now. Technology I’m a software […]
I read some of what the internet says on productivity and I listen to podcasts that frequently refer to particular productivity practices. And I find a lot of it hard to consume because of the realities of living with small children around. Here are some things that are hard to do when you have small […]
I’d rather be right than fast.
I’m rubbish at drawing. Not just bad; positively terrible. It’s actually properly difficult to tell the difference between my young son’s drawings and my own. But I do find some kinds of drawing fun. I tried to get into sketching for a while (and will have a go again sometime, I’m sure). Today, I took […]
Further to writing about “Creating and Consuming”, I’ve been thinking about how some of the people I find most interesting on social networks are people who actually talk and write about what THEY are doing rather then repeating things that OTHERS are doing. So often we learn things small and large, technical and social, through […]
I find that there is a constant tension in my life, and I think particularly in my industry – working on the web – between creating content and consuming content. I always feel like I SHOULD create more content. But it’s hard because the content I consume always make my content feel low value, not […]
I am NOT getting involved in school communications…but… I have school children now. And I kinda made a vow to not get involved in school communications. Mostly because the primary job of school staff is educating and caring for children to do, and they don’t want some geeky parent turning up with bright ideas that […]
Regular readers/followers will have heard me talk about Rob Bell’s podcast before – take him with a pinch of salt. And these notes are from an interview he did with two other people who I think you should take with a pinch of salt. BUT…I’m intrigued by different forms of spirituality at the moment. These […]
This is from a great episode of the ChangeLog podcast that interviews Tim Bell, the founder and creator of CS Unplugged: a collection of free teaching material that teaches computer science through engaging games and puzzles. I struggle with how much screentime our kids have. Perhaps this quote will inspire is to do more creative things […]