The week: 3rd September 2018

Having seen someone else do similar, I thought I’d summarise my week in projects, posts, and pins. This is probably as much for my benefit as anything, but let me know if you find it interesting or helpful. Use the comments – I’m happy to tweak the format to make it more useful for others.

Projects: what I’ve been up to

It was a quiet week as I juggled childcare in the last week of the holidays with work and attending a wedding on Friday.

  • I did an un-publicised launch of a new website for a small client on Thursday – details coming soon!
  • I worked a bit on SchoolBot to get it ready for the new term (though, it’s not a public project, and is only really for my own use and testing)

In tech news, I purchased a keyboard case for my iPad – mostly because I’m on a bit of a roll with writing, and wanted to be able to type more easily on the go! I’ll write about this soon.

This week it’s back to school and the pace should pick up.

Posts: things I made

Writings this week, in case you missed anything:

Pins: things I read and remembered

Things I’ve bookmarked this week

Also note this:

And the most important Thing I Learned:

Have a great week!