
  • Going Ropeless

    The impact of a simpler, freer life is clear. How much do we miss out on experiences because of caution, rules, expectations? Perhaps, sometimes, the risk of 'going ropeless' is worth it.

  • New Friend: Marin Muirwoods 29er review

    An all-round, family adventure and commuting bike that brings out the inner hooligan. Bought from a fantastic local bike shop in Swindon centre. Me and my bikes So, a bit of history. I love bikes and cycling, as you can probably tell. But my stable has until now consisted of only a cheap Raleigh Pioneer […]

  • All Change!

    Isaac's new room - November 2015. I'm not sure how we fitted in this redecoration project, but we did. It's green!!!! (There's a funky blackboard-wall out of view too. He's taken to it really well and is sleeping in there on the first night after we finished it. YAY!!!

  • Police in Leicestershire and Real World Split Testing

    Here’s a quick interesting thing. I’ve been wondering about whether or not anyone does split testing in the real world with physical things. For those that don’t know, split testing is where you do an experiment where you change something for a proportion of people to see how they react and measure the effect. If […]

  • Highly sensitive

    I recently discovered the trait of High Sensitivity - it's been a revelation to me and my family. Here's why.

  • Please. Don’t. Play with the…

    With a pre-schooler, a simple activity, like trying to plug a hose into a water butt, turns into a mind-bending philosophical monologue.

  • WP Quick Image update

    Yay! Pushed out v0.2 of WP Quick Image. It now lets you set a category, tag and other options for posts. See