
  • Nice one StarWalk

    The StarWalk app had a nice little Christmas touch…spot it if you can, amongst the stars. Happy Christmas to all friends, family, and anyone else that reads. May you know joy and peace and many blessings in the year ahead.

  • Facebook’s Flaws

    After minimising my Facebook presence and deleting all my Instagram photos I wanted to explain a bit more why I’ve done those things. I’m finding it quite hard to articulate succinctly, but I’ll give it a go anyway. I know that Instagram have backtracked on their new terms and conditions around what they will do […]

  • Breastfeeding: A Guide for Dads and Dads-to-be

    Well. I broke my ‘no parenting advice’ mantra by writing about cloth nappies. And it went down a treat, being published in the local NCT newsletter and retweeted by several people, including a big cloth nappy manufacturer, as a good article. So I figure I’m on a roll! And I kinda have a need to […]

  • Instagone

    While I’ve not quite left the Facebook-owned Instagram, I have downloaded all my photos using the very helpful Instaport service. To Instagram’s credit, they form quite a nice little snapshot of a brief period of life. Most of them are here for your perusal (should you choose to indulge me) and my own reminiscing.

  • Directing our energies

    I can’t help but think that, if all the Instagram rage (including my own) was actually, say, poverty rage or climate change rage or… Hmm.

  • A Modern Nativity

    Was reading one of LICC‘s weekly emails today and came across this beautiful nativity scene painted by Brian Kershisnik. A modern but very down-to-earth take on the birth of Jesus. I love it.  

  • Observing the Shibboleth

    One nice thing about downloading all my Facebook data was that I got to see a few old photos and videos that I’d not looked at for ages. This little, low-res video is from a trip to the Tate Modern when an installation called ‘Shibboleth‘ was on. I just liked the way that people moved […]

  • Consolidating the Networks

    So it seems like the fuss about Instagram’s Terms and Conditions was over-hyped. It always seemed that way. But it has pushed me over a tipping point anyway. Yesterday and today have seen me starting to process of deleting data from Facebook and Instagram, and seriously considering what other social networking accounts I have.

  • A Fresh Paint of Coat

    Oh, bother, I said that wrong didn’t I? Well, here we are. After being pushed over the edge of dumping some social media services by Instagram’s latest terms and conditions, I’ve decided to focus more on the blog here. So, I’ve given it a fresh look, installed some whizzy new plugins, and…well…we’ll see how long […]