
  • A Week in Sicily Part 3: Up, up and away!

    Flying Out Part 3 and we haven’t even left yet. I do waffle!!! An alarm at 5am, a quick rise and off to AirParks Gatwick (booked as part of the package with Expedia). I’m not a connoisseur of airport parking but this seemed fine, other than their new computer system not working at first. But […]

  • Cycle Touring Article

    This is a completely blatent note to self. But it deserves a note on why I have to make it. I have an article on the web. I want to save a reference to it but the site isn’t one I’m following with Google Reader via its RSS/Atom feed. Normally I’d spot the article on […]

  • A Week in Sicily Part 2: Travel

    Preparation and Leaving I mentioned before about our booking problems and needing to go on holiday from Monday to Monday.  Well, I was busy leading the music at church until about 9pm on Sunday, and our flights were leaving Gatwick at 8am.  After some deliberation, we’d booked into the Europa Hotel near Gatwick (cheap, tacky, […]

  • A Week in Sicily: Introduction

    I know I only just wrote up our last holiday.  I probably did that just after we’d booked the one that we just got back from.  So I’m determined to write up this one before we book the next. Booking Problems I’m not good at booking holidays anyway, but we were, for various reasons, constrained […]

  • Pre-holiday Cycling News

    There’s a few little notes I wanted to make about cycling before I left for Sicily.  Better late than never! An Almost-Accident The week before we left for holiday I nearly had a nasty accident.  There’s a bit of my ride to work where I head downhill on a cycle path which then meets the […]

  • On the left…again!

    Finally, I get to drive on the left again, where I belong. We returned yesterday from a week’s holiday in Sicily.  This has given me LOTS to write about, from a guide to the things we got up to in Sicily, some advice on using a Satellite Navigation system on the continent, some lessons in […]

  • Dancing

    Earlier this year we took up Lating and Ballroom classes.  We’ve just started it again, so I thought I ought to write a bit about it. Sally told a male colleague of hers at work today that we were going.  “He must be very tolerant”, came the response.  It’s funny the responses you get about […]

  • The Bright Light

    The elders used to speak of it.  A strange bright light in the sky.  It brought warmth and joy to the people.  But the light has not been seen for so long now that it’s existence has been relegated to myth and heresay. It was said that the sky turned blue.  That people had to […]

  • Cycling Corollorys

    My cycling activities seem to be governed by sods law.  Here is a list of how I think the rule applies to cycling. The speed a cyclist attains is inversely proportional to the effort put in.  In the last couple of days I’ve done three rides.  Monday I flew without even trying.  Tuesday I went […]

  • The Harvest

    We’ve been harvesting for a while now.  We got: a good crop of onions; numerous, but quite small, potatoes; a few handfuls of tomatoes; leeks;  spring onions; peas. Not very much of each, though, as you can see, the potatoes and onions were pretty good. We did have quite a big blight problem, which spread […]