
  • Film: Gagh, no, I can't….OK, it was "Clueless"…now let me explain

    Please, bear with me. This is like admitting to enjoying watching “Spice World” (oh come on, it was worth it just for the fake bus jumping over Tower Bridge “Speed”-style). Yes, this was on TV. Yes, we recorded it. And yes, we actually sat and watched it. And, heck, it was FUN! This is a […]

  • Random Food Vans

    In a vague nod to my newest reader (I think I have two regulars now!), and fellow, though far superior blogger, here’s something that I’m cheekily going to title: “Things Dave probably misses about England #541: Random food vans”. Or possibly Beyond Random Food Vans! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so I hope […]

  • Rugby and Self Belief

    I’m a big rugby (UNION!!!) fan. I don’ t know why. Football is a great game; incredibly skillful, beautiful to watch, exciting, entertaining. But I just think that football players are rude and obnoxious in comparison, there’s the minority of violent fans, and these external factors often ruin my enjoyment of the game. Rugby is […]

  • Simple things

    Some of this DIY stuff is so much more complicated than it looks. After a hint from a friend of ours who came for dinner a while back, we decided to finally put proper locks on our bathroom doors. Well, not locks, but little sliding latches. “Easy”, I thought. Jusy buy ’em, from B&Q, fix […]

  • Song 7: Mr Jones

    I have a bit of a thing about songs with complicated words. I enjoy the challenge of learning them, and I’m a bit of a show off at heart (have you noticed?) so I’d rather learn something that makes people go “You know ALL the words to that?”. There’s a couple of these on my […]

  • Song 6: Breakfast at Tiffany's

    If I was embarrassed about song 5 because it’s such a bog-standard anthemic piece of indie pop. Song 6 (last week’s song) fills me with even more dread! I can’t even remember why Deep Blue Something’s “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” became popular. It has very little going for it. It contains no more than three guitar […]

  • Digging it.

    Mud Glorious mud. That’s what’s at the end of our fairly large garden! Oh, and weeds. Creeping buttercup apparently. The queen of weeds in the Wintle garden. Our Garden One big reason for buying the house that we bought was the c. 100ft garden. For a nearly-town house this is HUGE! And it’s nicely split […]

  • Four seasons in one day

    This made me chuckle. Looked up the weather for the days ahead yesterday and came across this view of Monday’s forecast, which pretty much sums up the English weather, by having pretty much every possible weather symbol in the space of 24 hours.

  • Film: Black Gold

    It’s fair trade fortnight! I hadn’t actually realised – communication on it has been quiet this year. However, as part of the week, a film called Black Gold was on the telly. We’re all into sustainability and fair trade anyway, we understand that the trade that we do greatly affects the lives of people in […]

  • Honestly!!!

    This is a story about something that I did and I don’t like that it’s a story about what I did because it makes me appear big. I don’t record it to make me appear big, I record it to express my sheer exasperation with other people’s dishonesty, and the fact that the world EXPECTS […]