
  • "The Range"

    There’s a big new shop in Swindon called the range. It reminds me of Trago Mills, in Devon. It, like Trago’s, sells everything. EVERYTHING. I saw paintings, frames, mirrors, DIY goods, car maintenance kit, bike gear, craft supplies, office stationary, food, lighting, furniture, gardening items, fabric and sewing stuff, outdoor and camping equipment, leisure and […]

  • Fuzzy Logic

    A Ride Out on the bike today for a proper (i.e. non-commute) ride. Did my little run to Cricklade and back in under an hour, which is OK. It was one of those annoying days where the wind seemed to come from all directions. I did an out-and-back ride, which should mean I only feel […]

  • Song 5: (Dare I admit it) Oasis' "Wonderwall"

    I’m not really sure what to make of the fact that I’ve put Wonderwall on the list. It’s the quintessential, moany, groany Oasis track that all sing-along guitarists should know how to play. Yet, at the same time, I’m a bit embarrassed about it. It provokes a reaction in me that’s more “Oh yeah…Wonderwall….how predictable” […]

  • Observing the Shibboleth

    I’m on my own this weekend as Sally’s off on a working holiday. So I’m doing some catching up and messing around. Here’s a little video I like. It’s a time-lapse of people looking at the “Shibboleth” exhibit at the Tate Modern, in December 2007. I’m usually more interested with people’s reactions to the Turbine […]

  • Online Cycling Tools

    I think I’ve mentioned online route planners before. I’m re-investigating them at the moment – amazing how quickly things move on. I currently log routes on Bikely. It’s fast, easy to use, does nice maps with commentary, and shows elevation profiles. I just looked again at MapMyRide but it’s slow, full of adverts, and though […]

  • Washing tip!

    One of my purposes of this blog is to write down things that I learn so that: 1) I can remember them.2) I can share them with others. Now, the following may be obvious to some.  It is to me, now that I’ve messed up!  It’s a little fact about washing clothes. IF you have […]

  • Song 4: R.E.M.'s "Man on the Moon"

    So, finally, here we are at song 4. I’ve been a bit lazy about it (it’s week 7, I think), but, frankly, I’ve had more important things to do. I’ve chosen this one because I mostly know it already – I just need to firm the words up in my head, get the order right, […]

  • Persistent Prayers Paying Off

    This is a follow up to the post about praying for good health. Last Sunday our church had a “Healing and Wholeness” service. They do this a couple of times a year and the idea is that we believe God wishes, in some cases, to heal us, and, in all cases, to bring us wholeness. […]

  • Back-on-Bike Silliness

    Yes, after my big back recovery (not quite there yet but an awful lot better!), it was back on the bike today (too wet for Fuzzy but took the Raleigh – which I’m thinking of calling “Walter” – to work). My routine for cycling is quite complicated. I need to get all the right things […]

  • Song 3…still? What's happening?

    OK, so I should make it clear at this point that, in my head at least, if not on paper, “52 songs” is a concept, not a target. I never thought I’d learn 52 songs this year, but the idea was to learn SOME pop songs this year, the 52 Songs concept was to give […]