• The Garden – A Good Start

    While the buds were coming out, we were ripping off the ground cover and contemplating raised beds.

  • The Garden – Where We Started

    We bought our house at the end of Autumn 2007. One of the selling points was the big garden - it even had a vegetable patch.

  • Spring and Starlings

    It's still light at 5pm. There's garlic poking its head out of the earth in our herb patch. I'm on the verge of wearing shorts for bike rides. It must be...

  • Raising the beds

    You know, maybe we won't get ALL the beds done this year. But we'll try and make a start.

  • Slug Catching

    It’s been a while since I wrote about the garden, and in particular about the slugs. Slug activity seemed to heighten around June/July time, probably compounded by the fact that we had another wet and not overly hot summer. We’d initially tried beer traps but these were time consuming and messy and, over time, seemed […]

  • It's alive!!!

    It’s been a while since the garden got much attention (though I’ll be writing about the harvest soon), but this is a little set of observations that’s been bouncing around in my head for a while. Despite, or including, the slugs and creeping cinquefoil (this is what we thought was creeping buttercup), our garden is […]

  • The Harvest

    We’ve been harvesting for a while now.  We got: a good crop of onions; numerous, but quite small, potatoes; a few handfuls of tomatoes; leeks;  spring onions; peas. Not very much of each, though, as you can see, the potatoes and onions were pretty good. We did have quite a big blight problem, which spread […]

  • Gardening and Gods

    I quoted from the Bible’s book called “Exodus” only yesterday – here’s a bit again from the 10 commandments: “You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below…” It’s hard […]