• Where are you?!

    From the moment I first heard of Google Latitude I wondered why on Earth I'd want to tell the world where I was.

  • Things I Like

    I know I whinge a lot...so here's some things I like at the moment.

  • Chrome Extensions

    My current list of extensions - more for personal reference, but worth checking out if you use Google Chrome - and if you don't, why not give it a go?

  • Now analysing

    A short note explaining that I'm now using Google Analytics.

  • Shiny Windows

    I'm a pretty happy, newly upgraded, Windows-7-laptop-owning geek!

  • Moving…again

    Due to various, unnecessarily-complicated technical, social, and financial reasons, this blog will be moving to a new home.

  • notsoeasyhosting.com/tricky.css

    I'm currently running...err...at least 4 small web-based projects at the moment, so I'm getting to grips with Hosting, DNS and CSS again.

  • More free stuff!

    File sharing tools, iPod image editing apps and FREE TREES!

  • On Having the Touch

    The iPod Touch is a phenomenal and, dare I say it, life changing device - I would guess that the iPhone is more so. But it should come with a health warning.

  • Pimp my browser

    Don't be content with a half-hearted internet-browsing experience!