• Cool little discovery

    A neat little discovery today…meebo. A VERY simple web-based, multi-protocol chat client. What does that mean? Well, that you can use MSN, Yahoo Chat and Google Chat all from a single web page without even downloading anything! Probably only really useful from workplaces or if you’re in an internet cafe.

  • Lots of lovely links and Googlaholism

    Phew – what a glut of posts to start with. I mentioned a few links in my last post and just wanted to make a note about the fact that I’m currently managing my links using Google Bookmarks and Google Toolbar. This works well as it allows me to keep my favourites with Google and […]

  • Starting again and…oops!

    So, I’ve been thinking for a while, for a number of reasons, that I’ll start writing again. Mostly to do with new things that I’m discovering. As always, it probably won’t last. I’m feeling a bit rubbish today but was entertained by this error from Google – I’m not sure if you can read it […]