# you @ rosswintle.uk [23:39:51]

Page 47

  • Flat White

    A bit behind on daily pictures. This from Sunday as I completed the third coat of paint on the ceiling of our lounge, which we’ve had re-plastered. I like the abstract-ness, and the weird dark patch that the iPhone’s HDR produced. And I like the smooth, white ceiling we now have too! 🙂

  • Renovations

    We’ve been meaning to get some plastering done in our house for ages. Some of the previous renovations were a bit slap-dash! The impending arrival of baby Wintle has forced us to get a move on with the home improvements. This photo shows the old and new. Capturing the colours and textures of the plaster […]

  • Cycle Marshall

    Not a great photo but it documents Sunday. A few years ago I went to watch loads of friends run the Swindon Half Marathon. The next year I heard that they had cycle marshals that patrol the route between static marshalling points. I figured that, if I was going to stand and watch, I may […]

  • Equipped

    A funny and trivial photo today. This isn’t about composition, lighting, effects, or depth of field. It’s all about taking coffee on your bike! We went, with trepidation, to the National Childbirth Trust ‘nearly new’ sale today. I suggested not taking the car as parking would be a nightmare and it’s easy cycling and walking […]

  • Cookies

    Today Sally made two big piles of yummy cookies. I liked the contrast between the colours of the chocolate and cinnamon versions. Sadly, the iPhone camera doesn’t give you much depth-of-field control, but Noir has spiced it up a bit. And they taste even better than they look!! Full mouth-watering gallery, including original image, below:

  • Coming home

    Now, if you can just imagine that I had a tripod and an SLR and got a beautiful, long-exposure shot of trains moving in and out of the railway shed at Paddington that would be amazing! In London today and there should have been loads of opportunity for great shots of city life, but I […]

  • Colours of Autumn

    Spotted this when walking to the shop the other day. The colours are amazing. Hard to compose and a photo doesn’t do it justice. Of course, a Hipstamatic or Noir would only detract from the great natural colours. Here’s the full gallery with a Hipstamatic too!

  • Tree!

    Ooh, just time for today’s photo. Actually yesterday’s. Again, processed with Noir. I think it has some good light, strong contrasts, interesting composition. The high dynamic range made it slightly challenging, but I think it came out well. Here’s the gallery with the original and a Hipstamatic thrown in for good measure.

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