# you @ rosswintle.uk [23:43:21]

Page 88

  • 11000 miles and everything's falling apart.

    Something else that’s new to me this year is owning a half-decent car. We bought a 6-year old Peugeot 206 when we moved to Swindon. It’s actually the second car I’ve owned but the first one was old enough and small enough to be easily repairable and this second purchase has entered me into the […]

  • Finally…SPD's!

    Yay! I finally forked out and bought some SPD “clipless” Pedals (Shimano M424’s) and some cycling shoes (Specialized Tahos). I’m very happy with them now but I learned a few lessons along the way. Replacing pedals The man in the shop caused some confusion about which way the pedals were threaded. He suggested the intuitive […]

  • 12 mins and 40 seconds

    Sorry, but if you understand my own internal competitiveness with myself you’ll understand why this is worthy of its own post. Yesterday I set a new personal best for my ride home from work of 13 minutes and 49 seconds, thanks to a new route from my friend Mike and a strong tailwind. Today I […]

  • Naturewatch: Our new Bonsai Tree!

    At one of our friend’s weddings we were fortunate enough to win the Bonsai tree that was used as a table decoration. This is my latest nature fascination. Sadly, as we went on holiday for a week it got a bit neglected and dropped lots of leaves. With some TLC, lots of water and the […]

  • Facebook Feed

    Facebook’s import of my Blog into its “Notes” section has been on the blink for a few weeks and today finally gave up on me – so I’ve reconfigured the feed and re-synchronised everything, so hopefully it will stay up to date now. Apologies for any confusion.

  • New Toy: A little MP3 player.

    As a bit of a techie I like my gadgets. I’m not over the top in this respect, but I like it when technology can improve my life or do something useful. So when I buy new “toys”, I’ve generally thought quite hard about it. I really don’t intend to start making this a “Gadget […]

  • Error messages and defensive programming

    So here it is. I’m a geek! There, it’s out, you can all start jeering me and calling me a spod and asking where my sandals are, or, at the very least, call me up asking why your screen has turned a nice shade of purple. This therefore might not make complete sense to all […]

  • A good ride and a few new things

    It’s Bike week! To celebrate I did 13.75 miles round the hills of Wroughton and Chiseldon. A good hilly ride that I did with a really fit friend and actually managed to keep up! This week I’ve discovered a funky kettle that heats water on demand in a few seconds. Genius. I’m forever switching the […]

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