# you @ rosswintle.uk [05:48:15]

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  • A new subject

    It seems that there is a new topic that I’ll be discussing here. Not among the original list of subjects that I posted a few days back…depression and stress. As I’ve broached the subject with more people, including my boss, I’m being told LOTS to STOP WORK and GO SEE A DOCTOR. So, today, my […]

  • What DO people do…

    Feeling low again today so had a quick prayer whip-round. Got me thinking…what do people who don’t believe in God do when I tell them I’m not well? The obvious response from a Christian is “I’ll pray for you”, and through that God can speak to us and get us to see the situation through […]

  • 30 miles today!!!

    Despite feeling rubbish yesterday, Sal and I took advantage of the good weather and started cycling to Cricklade (18 miles round trip). We were feeling good so carried on to South Cerney and came back via Purton! Sal was pretty knackered by the end of it but other than a bit of pain from rubbing […]

  • Lots of lovely links and Googlaholism

    Phew – what a glut of posts to start with. I mentioned a few links in my last post and just wanted to make a note about the fact that I’m currently managing my links using Google Bookmarks and Google Toolbar. This works well as it allows me to keep my favourites with Google and […]

  • BBC Cycling challenge and a useful link

    Serendipity! I happened across this on the BBC Website – a cyclist very much like me who’s won some “competition”. Seems his prize is to train for 10 weeks for a 120 mile ride and keep a video diary of the process. Here’s the link. There’s another cool link to a site called Everyday Cycling […]

  • Nesting birds

    One thing I’ve been enjoing about being back in Swindon is the garden. In London we had a flat with no outdoor space of our own. Here we have a little patch of lawn, a shed, and lots of plants! In fact, we probably have more plants than all our neighbours. Which means that all […]

  • A funny day

    It’s been a funny day. I woke up feeling great – much more myself – very much an answer to prayer. However, I was just about to leave for the stag day I’m supposed to be at, when I collapsed in a heap and cried. I was wept, on-and-off, and uncontrollably, for about 2 hours. […]

  • New beginnings

    I’m not supposed to be here this evening. I’m supposed to be at a friend’s stag do but I’m feeling pretty ill and need to just rest. Sorry Dave. But I’m taking the chance to kick off this writing. I’ve tried Blogs before and given up quite quickly – and probably will this time too. […]

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