WordPress Commercialisation Concerns
A bunch of incomplete thoughts about the openness and commercialisation of WordPress
Creativity, curiosity, and code
A bunch of incomplete thoughts about the openness and commercialisation of WordPress
Yay! Pushed out v0.2 of WP Quick Image. It now lets you set a category, tag and other options for posts. See https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-quick-image/
Achievement obtained: WordPress core contributor
If you've resolved to take a photo-of-the-day in 2015 and you're into self publishing then my WP Quick Image plugin might help you out.
What's new in 2015? A WordPress screencasting challenge? I'm crazy!
I'm building a little WordPress dashboard widget for posting quick images to your blog. Here's what it is and why I made it.
Thoughts on the new Instagram-like PressGram social network and photo app.