• Creating and Consuming

    I find that there is a constant tension in my life, and I think particularly in my industry – working on the web – between creating content and consuming content. I always feel like I SHOULD create more content. But it’s hard because the content I consume always make my content feel low value, not […]

  • About SchoolBot

    I am NOT getting involved in school communications…but… I have school children now. And I kinda made a vow to not get involved in school communications. Mostly because the primary job of school staff is educating and caring for children to do, and they don’t want some geeky parent turning up with bright ideas that […]

  • Adding a “delete” link to a Vue component representing a Laravel model

    This very much falls into the category of “things that must surely be easier”. So let me know in the comments if it is actually easier. Here’s the thing, I’m tinkering with Vue and Laravel. I have a Vue component that represents a Laravel model object. I note that the component has a hierarchy of […]

  • Gardening, baking, connecting

    This comes with all my usual Rob Bell caveats – make of him what you will, because I’m not even sure myself – but I was listening to this interview about food, ecology, the earth, soil, people, education and being alive while making sourdough. It’s fascinating and inspiring. It made me glad that I have […]


    In which I lament my own utter incompetence, but also switch back from VS Code to PHPStorm in a flash and cry quietly over programming languages.

  • Electronic voting

    It’s voting day in the local elections tomorrow. And this comes with apologies to my mum, who retweeted this poll and made it appear in my Facebook and subsequently got a passionate rant from her son. She’s awesome and I totally ❤️ her! But it’s a good excuse to get people thinking about this… I’m a […]

  • I made things! A basketball hoop!

    I'm a computer guy, not a physical things guy. IT systems bow to my every whim (sometimes), but doors, cars, and bits of wood and string aren't my thing. Except...last week...I made a basketball hoop for my currently-basketball-obsessed boy out of an old plant pot, some lying around wood, and some cable ties. A real slam dunk!