
  • The Miracle of Plumbing that is PTFE Tape

    We recently discovered (amongst lots of other things going wrong all around us) a small leak a the point that our washing maching inlet hose connects to the water pipe. This was a problem when we first moved in and we initially fixed it by buying a new hose and doing it up really tight. […]

  • Song 2 – Robbie Williams' "Angels" – Key of "E"

    Last week was fun AND challenging, songwise. I picked a tricky one to start but it’s mostly nailed. The trick will be remembering it in a week or so’s time. This week’s been a bit of a nightmare with busy evenings, rats, water leaks, a trip to Leeds for work, the wedding at the weekend, […]

  • Putting God First

    A mixed weekend. Mostly joyful with the marriage of two good friends in London and good time spent with our old London church family. On Saturday I woke up feeling very tired and like I was fighting something off. I didn’t think I’d make it through the wedding ceremony, but did , and was then […]

  • Mice? Oh rats! And a whole host of other problems.

    So, we thought we had mice in our loft but, after further inspection, a little web research, and discussions with other people about the size of droppings, we’ve decided we have rats. Booooo! They seem confined to the loft above our extension and the wall cavities. After calling the council and hearing that it would […]

  • Good ride today

    Haven’t done a training ride for a while but went out in glorious sunshine today and did Cricklade and back (16.5 miles) in a fraction over an hour. Not bad going. Must get out and train more often – I loved it! 🙂 Oh yeah, it was a bit of a test of some new […]

  • Song 1 – The Pogues' A Fairytale of New York (Key of G)

    I just know I’ll regret this…it’s already taking over my life. I’m almost embarassed to write anything because I’ll be writing my resignation post before I know it. Still…let’s give it a go. Week 1 of the new year’s challenge. Learn a popular song every week for a year. There were various discussions about which […]

  • Mice again

    Bother it…we seem to have mice scuttling around in our loft. How annoying. I hate them. I lay awake worrying about them terrorising me and taking over my house. Which is stupid because they’re pretty harmless. I’ve set traps. Mice… and Elephants… Grrrrrr.

  • Cleaning the bike

    I got a chain cleaning box for Christmas (thanks Sarah and Guy!) and I’ve invested in some proper bike cleaning brushes so gave the cheap hybird a good clean over (with the help of Cycling Plus’ Winter Cycling Guide recommendations!), and replaced the front brake pads before heading back to work tomorrow. A job well […]

  • Digital Radio

    We’ve been toying with the idea of digital radio for a while. We listen to the radio quite a lot and it’s been annoying us that we get bad reception in the new house. But DAB radio’s are expensive and we’ve questioned the value. Several of our friends have them though – a surprising number […]

  • Chicago – Film, Sountrack and Musical

    As one of her Christmas presents (I won’t say from whom but his name begins with R and he’s a very good present buyer!) Sally got two top-price tickets to the musical Chicago! Sally loves the film version of this, I quite like it myself, and we both wanted to see it “Live”. So, yesterday, […]