# you @ rosswintle.uk [11:57:15]

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  • Minimalism, shortcuts, and not getting distracted

    Today I’m tidying up an old draft post on the topic of minimalism for posting. I don’t really think of myself as minimalist. I’m not a clean desk person. Our home is big on “floordrobes”. We are slightly-chaotic, creative, mad-professor types. (Well, I should only speak for myself but…) Yet I have a feeling if […]

  • Back to Turbo Admin

    I’m FINALLY getting around to chipping away at Turbo Admin's next steps. But how do I make "frameworky" things in JavaScript?

  • You can’t do ANYTHING without an app!

    If you follow me on socials, you might think that I really didn’t enjoy my holiday… But it’s not really true. We had a great time. I think that, as I relax and unwind, and the adrenaline that’s been keeping everything at bay dissipates, and the major life stuff is put aside, things come crashing […]

  • Tracking calories

    Right. My metabolism ain’t gonna be getting any faster! Time to act!! Partly inspired by @adamwathan’s health success, I’ve started tracking calories. Historically I’ve been fortunate enough (sorry!) to just burn pretty much whatever I eat and stay lean with a bit of exercise. But I’m mid-forties now and my body seems to be slowing […]

  • Why I love (and how I make) simple, static, minimal-tech websites

    There was some interesting chatter a while ago in my tech social bubbles about the tiny decline in WordPress’s CMS market share. This was followed by some interesting Twitter replies. But I chose to pick up on my friend Keith Devon’s response: And it caused me to reflect on how I now build small/quick sites […]

  • Endings

    Shutting down a freelance business isn't always easy.

  • Programming styles and books

    I confess, while I have my CS degree and am well-read, I've never read many of the "classics": Clean Code, Refactoring, The Pragmatic Programmer. So with Sandi Metz's "99 Bottles of OOP" on offer, I thought I'd make a start there.

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