# you @ rosswintle.uk [07:46:18]

Page 11

  • On strikes and taxes

    Nurses, postal workers, train drivers, border force, paramedics: you have my support.

  • WordlePress – a silly (and very difficult) game for WordPress developers

    Announcing (or re-announcing) WordlePress: a silly function-name guessing game for WordPress developers (and anyone else stupid enough to try). This post serves as the help page/instructions for WordlePress until I get some proper help up on the actual WordlePress site. Earlier this year, the daily Wordle puzzle was all the rage. And early on I […]

  • Is Turbo Admin for sale?

    One of the reasons I keep on with Turbo Admin is that I’ve had some major validation of the idea in the form of investment offers and even – no, I can’t believe it either – offers to buy it! I’ve been really encouraged by these offers. Here’s my thoughts on the idea of selling […]

  • Minimalism, shortcuts, and not getting distracted

    Today I’m tidying up an old draft post on the topic of minimalism for posting. I don’t really think of myself as minimalist. I’m not a clean desk person. Our home is big on “floordrobes”. We are slightly-chaotic, creative, mad-professor types. (Well, I should only speak for myself but…) Yet I have a feeling if […]

  • Back to Turbo Admin

    I’m FINALLY getting around to chipping away at Turbo Admin's next steps. But how do I make "frameworky" things in JavaScript?

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