On strikes and taxes
Nurses, postal workers, train drivers, border force, paramedics: you have my support.
Creativity, curiosity, and code
# you @ rosswintle.uk
Nurses, postal workers, train drivers, border force, paramedics: you have my support.
Announcing (or re-announcing) WordlePress: a silly function-name guessing game for WordPress developers (and anyone else stupid enough to try). This post serves as the help page/instructions for WordlePress until I get some proper help up on the actual WordlePress site. Earlier this year, the daily Wordle puzzle was all the rage. And early on I […]
There are a ton of posts about Mastodon. But perhaps you trust me more than other random strangers? Here's my take.
My thoughts on what's going on in social media this week.
One of the reasons I keep on with Turbo Admin is that I’ve had some major validation of the idea in the form of investment offers and even – no, I can’t believe it either – offers to buy it! I’ve been really encouraged by these offers. Here’s my thoughts on the idea of selling […]
Some podcasts I think are good.
Today I’m tidying up an old draft post on the topic of minimalism for posting. I don’t really think of myself as minimalist. I’m not a clean desk person. Our home is big on “floordrobes”. We are slightly-chaotic, creative, mad-professor types. (Well, I should only speak for myself but…) Yet I have a feeling if […]
I’m FINALLY getting around to chipping away at Turbo Admin's next steps. But how do I make "frameworky" things in JavaScript?