# you @ rosswintle.uk [22:28:35]

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  • Sunday evening brain dump…

    Another Sunday evening Brain dump then. Things to write about: Sunday evening’s talk at church More on social networking Thoughts on Work Storytelling! Sunday Evening’s Talk at Church Before I write this, a vague note about how I intend writing about my faith here. I do have an assumption that no one else is reading […]

  • A weekend of discovery

    Wow – a week since my last post – you can tell I’m back at work. Things I’ve discovered: Tetrapak’s can be recycled…HOORAY!!! Facebook is a grown-up version of MySpace and, despite my initial scepticism, is quite cool – it even imports Blog posts from Blogger. I’m finding my work quite a struggle at the […]

  • Back to the grindstone

    A few things… Sally’s back after a weekend away – yay! I’m back at work tomorrow – have to see how things go. Rode 14.8 KM (9.2 miles) in the gym yesterday – does that count?

  • Christian Aid Week…how do the poor see us..

    Had a very good Christian Aid Week service at church this morning. Lots of good use of CA’s resources and an interesting sermon based on Luke 7:36-50 – the story of a woman, probably a prostitute, worshipping Jesus by pouring expensive perfume over his feet. The key thing I took away was the need for […]

  • Online video editing

    Techie note really. I’ve had a couple of video editing projects on hold, waiting for a tool that will convert the 3gp files I get from my mobile phone into a format that I can edit. I don’t want to have to pay anything to do this, so the projects have been set aside waiting […]

  • Blair leaves – Google says Downing Street has options

    Is it strange coincidence? Or are Google having a laugh? They launch Google Maps for Mobile in the UK on the day that Tony Blair announces that he will resign. The mocked up “screen shot” on Google’s homepage shows “Downing Street – Press 1 for options”. Ho ho…

  • Psychology

    Bother my brain… After several very good days of feeling pretty normal I had a very frustrating day on Monday (it involved 2 printers, one powerpoint document, and lots of paper and ink). I suspect that this was just a normal frustrating day but I started to get all knotted up inside again and lost […]

  • Learning to fly

    So the little ones (the blackbirds – must give them names or something) are learning to fly still. Got a couple of snaps of them today but only with my phone so they’re not so good quality. Here’s daddy on feeding duty…

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