
  • Bicycle maintenance – maybe not as hard as I thought?

    Before I bought my beloved Fuzzy (the Felt…my road bike!), I did a lot of research into how to keep it in good nick. I asked questions on internet forums. I read books and magazines. And when it came to getting Fuzzy home I generally thought I knew what I was doing…and I was well […]

  • The Best Things in Life are Free

    This was going to be a humorous, Fat-Cyclist-Style list of the best feelings in the world, but for reasons that I can’t really bring myself to mention, I’ve decided just to write about the feeling that prompted the post in the first place. With the longer days and the arrival of British Summer Time I’ve […]

  • Eeek…I'm a shopaholic!

    [Sorry for backdating – I’m catching up on posts so these may appear in a bit of a random order] I’m not a big shopper. I don’t hate it, but I mostly buy things because I need them. And when I buy things that I want they’re well thought out and researched so that I […]

  • Risky Manoeuvres

    I’m beind with updates again, including a big write up of our holiday exploits. It’s been a busy week, and with a 15 hour day at work on Wednesday, I was due a few late morning in, so I’ve been making use of my longer, 8.5 mile commute to work. I’ve had two little incidents […]

  • General Easter Update

    It’s been a while and we’re off on holiday tomorrow so here’s a few thoughts to jot down before I go. Easter and “The Passion” It’s Easter Sunday. Easter is obviously a hijacked pagan festival – witness the eggs and bunnies that symbolise new life as spring approaches – heck the date of easter even […]

  • Songs 8 and 9: The Monkees "Daydream Believer" and Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah"

    I’ve been a bit preoccupied with other things so song-learning has been top of my agenda lately, but there has been some progress. I struggled with “Mr Jones“, not with the words, as you might have expected, but with the rhythm. Singing and playing this song at the same time is really hard. So I […]

  • Film: Run Fatboy Run

    We saw the trailers for this film ages ago and, as we like Simon Pegg (of Spaced, Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz), we thought it would be worth a bash. But we totally missed it at the cinema. However, Sally’s borrowed it from a friend and so we sat down with a curry […]

  • Music: Free albums!!!

    We’ve discovered a great way to use our thousands of accumulated Nectar Points (Supermarket Loyalty Card points)…we can use them to buy CDs! We recently got three in this way that I’ll just give a little write up of. I’m not the best music reviewer, but here are my thoughts. Amy Winehouse: Back to Black […]

  • The Ordnance Survey Outdoors Show

    Today we attended the Ordnance Survey Outdoors Show 2008 at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham. We mostly went because Sally was working on the National Trust stand and she got me a free “VIP” ticket. It was an interesting day with many contrasts. I got lots of free stuff. And I bought some expensive […]

  • Book: The Northern Lights (and Film: The Golden Compass)

    Philip Pullman is an author with a reputation. He is the children’s Dan Brown. He’s known more for the controversy about what he writes than for how he writes. I don’t like Dan Brown’s writing. I read the Da Vinci Code and though I thought it was gripping and exciting, it was also patronising and […]