# you @ rosswintle.uk [13:25:17]

Page 97

  • Starting again and…oops!

    So, I’ve been thinking for a while, for a number of reasons, that I’ll start writing again. Mostly to do with new things that I’m discovering. As always, it probably won’t last. I’m feeling a bit rubbish today but was entertained by this error from Google – I’m not sure if you can read it […]

  • Easter Is…

    My first Blog from work! Lunchtime. Sandwiches…inevitably from Marks and Spencers… Easter is upon us. It is Holy Week. And the shops are full of Easter merchandise hoping that the sun and the temptation of copious quantities of chocolate will spur people on to spend their hard earned reddies. But what’s it really about? M&S […]

  • Community in Teams

    I’m in a band! Not a very big or good band, we’re just starting out really playing once a month, rocked up versions of contemporary Christian songs to God (“worship songs” for the uninitiated). I love it, I’m passionate about it, I have fun doing it, it’s just great and it’s just me. But I’ve […]

  • Preaching Backwards

    Preaching Backwards Just some thoughts on biblical teaching. My WebLog doesn’t show yet that I’m a Christian so, well, there it is! 🙂 I’m a 4-year old Christian who loves God, and, as a thinker, I love to use my mind in my worship; and so, I’m often thinking about my faith and drawing (possibly […]

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