• Camping thoughts

    Campsites with boilers? Big Brother but outdoors? And unlimited screen time? Thoughts I had while on holiday this summer.

  • Lifehack: Family Brain

    An actual mind-reading trick for those who don't plan life down to every last car-refuelling and bathroom-cleaning.

  • On balance of creativity and passivity with kids and screentime

    This is from a great episode of the ChangeLog podcast that interviews Tim Bell, the founder and creator of CS Unplugged: a collection of free teaching material that teaches computer science through engaging games and puzzles. I struggle with how much screentime our kids have. Perhaps this quote will inspire is to do more creative things […]

  • Pre-Christmas Struggles are OK

    Social Media can make the build up to Christmas look so lovely. But if you’re struggling, know that you’re not alone.

  • Typical supper-time learnings: Will It Fly?

    A typical conversation over an evening bowl of porridge in the Wintle household. This is how a) one of our children learns random stuff and b) Bedtime takes FOREVER.

  • Parenting Jenga

    Parenting Jenga: a visual note about what life is like sometime

  • New game: “Daddy, Daddy!”

    Board game idea: "Daddy, Daddy" (Mummy version is also available). It's like snakes & ladders. The aim is to get out of the front door - the last square!

  • Highly sensitive

    I recently discovered the trait of High Sensitivity - it's been a revelation to me and my family. Here's why.