
  • Not a mornings person

    I love the thought of mornings but I'm definitely NOT a mornings person.

  • Surprising Myself

    If that's my base level of strength and fitness then I wonder what I could achieve if I tried!

  • Stating the Obvious

    So who's going to stand up and say something bold, new and different. Who's got the big ideas that are going to lead Britain well in the next four years? Who's going to do more than the bare minimum I expect of my government?

  • Things I Understand and Things I Don’t

    I don't know how to fix the budget. I don't know how to tackle crime. I don't know how to manage taxes and public spending. Most of the policies on offer sound good. So I need politicians to be talking about more than those things. I need bigger, bolder statements about what each party will do.

  • Election Publicity

    So the election is upon us and our household and circle of friends are taking it pretty seriously! One thing that always bothers me is the imbalance of publicity. In the last council elections we had lots of publicity from Labour and the Tories, but there were at least two other candidates that we knew […]

  • Crazy Folk

    This is a quick note to any of my neighbours that might be reading. 1 Folks, I know that last Saturday I appeared to be repeatedly filling a watering can, trudging up the garden path, and emptying its contents over an already-waterlogged garden…in the pouring rain…wearing a waterproof. I’ve not, despite what conclusions you may […]

  • Downtime

    Well, sorry folks, it’s been over a month. Which kinda counts as downtime for me I suppose. There was also…shock!!…downtime on the Blog caused by me fiddling with subdomains. 1 I’ve not been completely anti-social-networking, in fact, I’ve been pretty busy building WordPress blogs/sites and doing some web/communications/social media consultancy, and that’s been taking up […]

  • Communication

    A simple but genius way to make group emails better!

  • Local Travel Plan 3

    A few notes before I start this post, and hope it doesn’t turn into a rant. I’m really sorry that I’m turning into a transport geek/bore. I think the LTPs are a good thing. I know one of our council transport people a little and she’s brilliant, hard working, and very good at what she […]